
州长 Scott Announces the Expansion of iSirona in Panama City


州长 Rick Scott today announced that iSirona, an information technology company that provides solutions for 医疗设备集成, 会扩大在巴拿马城的业务吗, creating 300 new jobs and a capital investment of $2.2500万年. 

州长 Scott said, 一个€œiSirona’s expansion in Panama City will create 300 jobs which is 这对佛罗里达的家庭来说是个好消息. 为了扩张,伊利诺伊大学考虑了其他 locations like California, Texas and Virginia, but chose Florida for our great 商业环境. 的re have been more than 365,000 private-sector jobs created in the last two years and our unemployment rate is the lowest it has been in 五年. Florida provides job creators with a great workforce and the opportunity for growth, but we still have more work to do to build a diverse economy that will create jobs for generations to come.â€�

建立了 in 2008 and headquartered in Panama City, iSirona helps clinicians make more informed decisions about patients by providing an easy-to-use approach for 医疗设备集成. 伊利诺伊大学被评为“美国最受欢迎的大学之一” Promising Companies" in 2013 by Forbes magazine and as the fifth 美国增长最快的私营公司.S. 2012年医疗保健行业排名. 杂志.

自 the beginning of 2012, iSirona has grown from 31 employees to over 180, and this expansion will triple its workforce to more than 400 employees.

戴夫 Dyell, CEO of iSirona said, “We consider Florida and Panama City to be partners isirona的成功. We continue to be pleased with 国家wide commitment to nurture the high-tech sector; our outstanding universities and community colleges that are wonderful resources; and our ability to recruit top talent 欣赏当地的生活方式. 我们为我们的持续成功感到高兴 is bringing more high-value jobs to Panama City.â€�

的 公司收到了1美元.5 million grant from the Industry Recruitment, Retention & Expansion Fund (IRREF) Grant Program, which is administered by the 西佛罗里达大学. 的 IRREF Grant Program was created as a result of S.B. 2156, authored by Senate President 唐Gaetz. 石油泄漏恢复法案 是S.B. 2156. 该法案每年拨款1000万美元 for three years to eight Northwest Florida counties for the purposes of research and development, commercialization of research, economic 多样化和创造就业.

一个€œiSirona could be in Silicon Valley but because of the highly competitive business incentives created by Florida’s Legislature and 州长 Scott, they located in what they like to call Silicon Bay in Northwest Florida,â€� said Senate President 唐Gaetz. “Helping our successful businesses stay 和扩大 sends the right message to private sector job creators looking to expand or relocate to Florida and is key to Northwest Florida’s continued recovery from the impacts of the 深水地平线漏油事件.â€�

代表 Marti Coley said, “州长 Scott and his team have worked hard to make Florida more welcoming to innovators, and today we’re seeing the fruits of their labor. By providing 300 good jobs, iSirona will further put our community on the map 是做生意的好地方."

代表 Jimmy Patronis said, 一个€œiSirona’s expansion means 300 new jobs and opportunities 为巴拿马城的家庭准备的. I want to thank 州长 Scott and the local economic development team for making Panama City a great place for businesses 成功.â€�

佛罗里达的软件 and Computer Systems Design and Integration industry 是其中之一 美国最大的.美国约有12600家公司. 近一半的8万+ professionals who work in the field are employed by software development firms, and the remaiing working in related technology-intensive industries throughout 国家.

秘书 商务部长兼总裁 & CEO of Enterprise Florida, Gray Swoope said, “的 consolidation of iSirona’s operations in Panama City is telling of the proactivity of the high-tech industry in Florida. 强有力的研究和 development network and exceptional workforce in Florida will help companies like iSirona continue their product development and successful innovation.â€�

这 project was made possible through strong partnerships between Enterprise Florida, the 西佛罗里达大学, Bay County Economic Development Alliance, the Florida 经济机会部, City of Panama City, Bay County Board of 县委员, and the Gulf Coast 菠菜稳台子 Board.

一个€œ这 is a great day for Bay County,â€� said Chairman Guy Tunnell, Bay County Board of 县委员. “It’s gratifying to see locally based businesses prosper 和扩大. We’re thrilled about the fact that we’ve been able to work together with other entities to create a business-friendly environment in which iSirona feels confident and comfortable to move forward.â€�

一个€œiSirona has been an integral part of the downtown Panama City fabric and, now with this significant growth, will continue to be a catalyst to help complete the redevelopment of the downtown area,â€� said Panama City Mayor Greg Brudnicki.

一个€œiSirona is known for its innovation and user friendly 医疗设备集成, and their expansion to Panama City adds to the continually growing list of information technology companies that have found Florida’s pro-商业环境 a perfect fit for their company,â€� said Jesse Panuccio, Executive Director of the Florida 经济机会部. “Company expansions like iSirona’s are an integral part of Florida’s economic turnaround.â€�

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